Westcoast Update


Westcoast released an update on the pipe. It appears capacity restoration is being accelerated. Here is the text of their release:


As near as I can tell, the pipe’s capacity is on a fast-track towards complete restoration. This weekend the plan appears to bring Hungtingdon up to 1.4 bcf.

Here are where flows are at as of 12:00 PM Sunday (PST) –

That’s the 7-year view, let’s zoom in on this last year:

Since Thursday (Nov 29), flows at Hungtingdon are up 240 MMCF and, per WEI, another 90 MMCF will be added today or tomorrow. More important, if the intent is to get the pipe’s capacity fully restored, you should expect another 400 MMCF to return the capacity to 1.8 BCF, last year’s winter levels. At that point, there are no “Sumas Gas Issues,” and most of the winter anomalies will be gone.

I’m not saying the pipe will be fully restored, read their posts, but it seems the chances of full capacity before March 2019 are higher today than on October 10, 2018.

On top of that bearish news, check out the latest weather …

Recall, the forecast looked like this last week:

Hhmm, the plot thickens, the pot boiling over, sea change poised to wash away the long’s gains? Speaking of washing … check out the 8-14 day precip outlook:

Sadly, stole my blog thunder for tomorrow, but felt this news was important enough to warrant a Sunday blast.

